Archives For November 30, 1999

Sketch is a simply or hastily executed drawing or painting representing the essential features of an object or scene without the details often made as a preliminary study.


Dustin Wheat
Finalist Professional Travel Sketch
2012 KRob Architectural Delineation Competition

Definition of sketch

Esquisse is a sketch showing the general features of a design or plan.

Maison bois au stade esquisse

Pascal Rousseau // Maison bois au stade esquisse


Definition of esquisse

Over the centuries a vignette has taken on different forms. Originally it was one of those small sketches you find in the front of old books, often with decorative bands of ivy around its edges (the word comes from the French vigne for vineyard). When cinema came along, a vignette became a quick portrait in film of a character. Some films, like Robert Altman’s Short Cuts, are essentially just a compilation of individual vignettes.

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