Archives For November 30, 1999

Épure is a full-scale, detailed drawing done on a wall, floor, or other large surface, from which are traced the patterns for various building elements.

Tracé de charpente, cours de Perre-François Guillon

Tracé de charpente, cours de Perre-François Guillon

Definition of epure

Sketch is a simply or hastily executed drawing or painting representing the essential features of an object or scene without the details often made as a preliminary study.


Dustin Wheat
Finalist Professional Travel Sketch
2012 KRob Architectural Delineation Competition

Definition of sketch

Simply put, a diagram is a simplified drawing showing the appearance, structure, or workings of something; a schematic representation.

A diagram is a drawing that, stripped of all superfluous and distracting data, shows the general scheme or outline of an idea or object and its parts. It is a reductive graphic representation of the course or results of an action or process.

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