Archives For November 30, 1999

Environmental design is the ordering of the physical environment by means of architecture, engineering, construction, landscape architecture, urban design, and city planning.


Grimshaw Architects // Ecorium, South Korea

Definition of environmental design

Landscape architecture is the art, business, or profession of designing, arranging, or modifying the features of a landscape for aesthetic or practical reasons.

High Line

The High Line, New York // designed by landscape designers James Corner Field Operations and architects Diller Scofidio + Renfro

Definition of Landscape architecture

Discipline in all fields of human knowledge has been created by individuals who broke the rules of play of their historic context in their eagerness to invent the future.

Projects that seek solutions within their own discipline, insensitive to their cultural environment, produce autistic interventions that conceal the most entrenched immobilism behind their apparent refinement. A dead weight in history.

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