Archives For November 30, 1999

A jib door is an internal door designed to appear coterminous with the wall surface.

Simon-Upton-house by John Minshaw

Simon Upton's house by interior designer John Minshaw

Definition of jib door

Interior design is the art, business, or profession of planning the design and supervising the execution of architectural interiors. Including their colour schemes, furnishings, fittings, finishes, and sometimes architectural features.


 Example // Interior Design Presentation Board

Definition of Interior Design

Discipline in all fields of human knowledge has been created by individuals who broke the rules of play of their historic context in their eagerness to invent the future.

Projects that seek solutions within their own discipline, insensitive to their cultural environment, produce autistic interventions that conceal the most entrenched immobilism behind their apparent refinement. A dead weight in history.

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