Archives For November 30, 1999

Trompe l’oeil is a drawing or painting in which objects are rendered in extremely fine detail to emphasize the illusion of tactile and spatial qualities.


trompe l'oeil

Definition of trompe l’oeil

A diagram is a drawing, not necessarily representational, that outlines, explains, or clarifies the arrangement and relations of the parts of a whole.

Stan Allen- Diagrams of Field Conditions, 1996 Illustrator, interesting way to demonstrate field conditions.

Stan Allen // Field Conditions Diagrams, 1985

Definition of Diagram

A modular coordination means correlating the dimensions of a structure and the unit sizes of its components, usually with the aid of a planning grid based on a 4-inch or 100 mm cubical module.

modular coordination

grid //  modular coordination

Definition of modular coordination

Partí is the basic scheme or concept for an architectural design, represented by a diagram.

Edifici Torre Espiral by Zaha Hadid

Partí // Edifici Torre Espiral by Zaha Hadid

Definition of partí

Drafting, also called mechanical drawing, is a drawing done with the aid of such instruments as T-squares, triangles, compasses, and scales, specifically for the systematic representation and dimensional specification of architectural and engineering structures.


Definition of drafting

Cartoon is a full-scale drawing of a motif or design, to be transferred in preparation for a fresco, mosaic, or tapestry.

Raphael, Cartoon for the School of Athens (1510 - 186cm x 59cm)

Raphael // Cartoon for the School of Athens, 1510

Definition of cartoon

Analytique is an elevation drawing of a façade, surrounded by a decorative arrangement of drawings of important details and sometimes a plan or section of the façade.


Definition of analytique

A study, sometimes referred to as a referential drawing, is a drawing executed as an educational exercise, produced as a preliminary to a final work, or made to record observations.

study of women heads drawing

Studies of Women's Heads // Jean-Antoine Watteau

Definition of study drawing

Freehand drawing is the art, process, or technique of drawing by hand without the aid of drafting tools or mechanical devices, in order to represent or visualize an idea.


Fred & Ginger freehand drawing

Definition of freehand drawing

Épure is a full-scale, detailed drawing done on a wall, floor, or other large surface, from which are traced the patterns for various building elements.

Tracé de charpente, cours de Perre-François Guillon

Tracé de charpente, cours de Perre-François Guillon

Definition of epure

Sketch is a simply or hastily executed drawing or painting representing the essential features of an object or scene without the details often made as a preliminary study.


Dustin Wheat
Finalist Professional Travel Sketch
2012 KRob Architectural Delineation Competition

Definition of sketch

A contour drawing is the technique of drawing lines to represent the contours of a subject, without shading or modelling of form.

Picasso’s famous contour drawing of Igor Stravinsky

Picasso // contour drawing of Igor Stravinsky

Definition of contour drawing