Archives For November 30, 1999

Collage is an artistic composition of often diverse elements in unlikely or unexpected juxtaposition.

Robert Nickle, Black Collage

"Black Collage" by Robert Nickle

Definition of collage

Design is the creation and organization of formal elements in a work of art.

Design Competition Entry - metamorphosis by nexiuz69

A Design Competition Entry // metamorphosis by nexiuz69


Definition of design

Freehand drawing is the art, process, or technique of drawing by hand without the aid of drafting tools or mechanical devices, in order to represent or visualize an idea.


Fred & Ginger freehand drawing

Definition of freehand drawing

Beauty is the aggregate of qualities in a person or thing that gives intense pleasure to the senses or deep satisfaction to the mind or spirit, whether arising from harmony of form or colour, excellence of craft, truthfulness, originality, or other, often unspecifiable property.

Birth of Venus

The Birth of Venus by Sandro Botticelli

Definition of beauty

Aesthetics, or esthetics, is the branch of philosophy that deals with the nature of art, beauty, and taste, with a view to establishing the meaning and validity of critical judgments concerning works of art.


Dada aesthetic // Marcel Duchamp's Fountain 1917

Definition of aesthetics

Épure is a full-scale, detailed drawing done on a wall, floor, or other large surface, from which are traced the patterns for various building elements.

Tracé de charpente, cours de Perre-François Guillon

Tracé de charpente, cours de Perre-François Guillon

Definition of epure

Futurism is the most important Italian avant-garde art movement of the 20th century, that celebrated advanced technology and urban modernity.

Fortunato Depero

Skyscrapers and Tunnels // Gratticieli e tunnel (detail) by Fortunato Depero, 1930

To be a Futurist in the Italy of the early 20th century was to be modern, young, and insurgent. Inspired by the markers of modernity—the industrial city, machines, speed, and flight—Futurism’s adherents exalted the new and the disruptive. [1] Continue Reading…

A line is a thin, continuous mark made on a surface with a pencil, pen, or brush, as differentiated from shading or colour.

random straight lines

Random straight lines

Definition of line

Grisaille is a monochromatic painting in shades of grey in order to produce a three-dimensional effect.

Planes of the Head

Jana Bouc // Planes of the Head, grisaille study, oil on canvas

Definition of grisaille

The last decade has witnessed a proliferation of artists whose primary medium is software. Algorithmic processes, harnessed through the medium of computer code, allow artists to generate increasingly complex visual forms that they otherwise might not have been able to imagine, let alone delineate. The newest volume in the Design Brief series Form+Code in Design, Art, and Architecture is a non-technical introduction to the history, theory, and practice of software in the arts.

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The Paranoiac-critical method was the invention of Salvador Dali and is an extension of the method of Simulation into the field of visual play, based on the idea of the ‘double- image’.

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Discipline in all fields of human knowledge has been created by individuals who broke the rules of play of their historic context in their eagerness to invent the future.

Projects that seek solutions within their own discipline, insensitive to their cultural environment, produce autistic interventions that conceal the most entrenched immobilism behind their apparent refinement. A dead weight in history.

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