Archives For November 30, 1999

Tectonics is the science or art of shaping, ornamenting, or assembling materials in construction.

Stina Holm Jensen | Tectonic Architectural Studio

Stina Holm Jensen | Tectonic Architectural Studio

Definition of tectonics

A feasibility study is a detailed investigation and analysis conducted to determine the financial, technical, or other advisability of a proposed construction project.


 feasibility study // Transition Works

Definition of feasibility study

Repetition is the act or process of repeating formal elements or motifs in a design.

repetition in architecture

repetition in architecture

Definition of repetition

Massing is a unified composition of two-dimensional shapes or three-dimensional volumes, especially one that has or gives the impression of weight, density, and bulk.

Christopher Drummond - massing diagram

Christopher Drummond // massing diagram

Definition of massing

The apse is the typically semicircular recession from the body of the chancel or, any part of a cathedral or church.


Cathedral floorplan diagram

Definition of apse

Mayan architecture

The tradition of Maya architecture spans several thousands of years thorough the Mesoamerican. A region that extends approximately from central Mexico to Belize, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, and northern Costa Rica, within which pre-Columbian societies flourished before the Spanish colonization of the Americas in the 15th and 16th centuries.

Mesoamerica map

Mesoamerica map

Simply put,

Mayan architecture is the architecture of the Mesoamerican civilization of the Yucatan Peninsula, Guatemala, and part of Honduras, from the 1st century A.D. to its peak In the 9th century, characterized by magnificent ceremonial centres with temple-pyramids, ritual ball courts, spacious plazas, and palaces with sculptured facades

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Aesthetics, or esthetics, is the branch of philosophy that deals with the nature of art, beauty, and taste, with a view to establishing the meaning and validity of critical judgments concerning works of art.


Dada aesthetic // Marcel Duchamp's Fountain 1917

Definition of aesthetics

Amorphous is an irregularly shaped building that has no easily definable form.

Ordos museum

MAD // Ordos Art & City Museum, Gobi desert.

Definition of Amorphous

Assyrian architecture

The ancient region of Mesopotamia is often called ‘the Cradle of Civilization.’ It is here that we see the earliest form of writing developed along with beautiful art and architecture.

Palace of Sargon

Palace of Sargon // Restoration

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The public broadcasting centre Villa VPRO was the first project of MVRDV, realised in 1997. The building successfully revolutionised work spaces through a series of interconnected office floors. An essential design tool was a long list of staff’s wishes and demands for the perfect working environment, such as a building without air-conditioning, and the Villa VPRO grows chives on the roof, handy when the staff has lunch up there. — MVRDV


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In a Classical order, abacus is the flat, sometimes moulded, section between the top of the capital and bottom of the architrave.

Abacus thumb

Definition of Abacus

The last decade has witnessed a proliferation of artists whose primary medium is software. Algorithmic processes, harnessed through the medium of computer code, allow artists to generate increasingly complex visual forms that they otherwise might not have been able to imagine, let alone delineate. The newest volume in the Design Brief series Form+Code in Design, Art, and Architecture is a non-technical introduction to the history, theory, and practice of software in the arts.

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