Archives For November 30, 1999

Environmental design is the ordering of the physical environment by means of architecture, engineering, construction, landscape architecture, urban design, and city planning.


Grimshaw Architects // Ecorium, South Korea

Definition of environmental design

Technically put, zoning is the legislative process that divides privately-owned urban areas into different zones (such as residential, commercial, industrial) according to the specified land use. Each zone is regulated as to the density, location, size, and type of buildings permitted therein.

Zoning, nevertheless, is a tool for spatial organization.

Town of Fort Frances Official Plan & Zoning Bylaw

Town of Fort Frances Official Plan & Zoning Bylaw

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The Latin American anthropologist Jesús Barbero characterises new urban cultures and their use of knowledge as abduction, which denotes an alternative action.


Abduction, denotes the action of taking a lateral exit in a formal argument, rather than going forward to the conventional conclusion. Understood as such, abduction then, is a form of resistance to the hegemony. In its best- known contemporary use, related to stories of aliens, abduction denotes an irresistible attraction for something that is apparently aberrant. Continue Reading…

Utopias are ‘invisible cities’, imagined perfect places, idealized states of possibility, envisioned in the minds of designers and writers like ltalo Calvino. The term was first used as the name of an imaginary island by Sir Thomas More in his book published in 1516. In More’s dream, Utopian islanders were governed by a perfect political and social system – a system later given a new and anatomical twist in George Orwell’s Animal Farm (1949).

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City planning, also called town planning, or urban planning, is the activity or profession of determining the future physical arrangement and condition of a community, involving an appraisal of the current conditions, a forecast of future requirements, a plan for the fulfilment of these requirements, and proposals for legal, financial, and constructional programs to Implement the plan.


Model of downtown Los Angels, 1964

Definition of city planning